A lovely pink Asiatic Lily is now tucked in front of my pink Monkshood in one of my perennial beds and two pots of hanging crimson begonias now sit on my back step greeting visitors as they knock on the door. The vases full of cut flowers add a splash of brightness in several spots around my house!
I always feel strange about this tradition of gift-giving to teachers at year end. I don't expect anything; and I know many of my parents cannot afford a hanging basket. I wish they all knew I'm not judging anything on the size or extravagance of the gift. I remind myself that many of the gifts come from the heart and to accept them graciously. The thank-you card or small box of chocolates they did send was equally touching. Even the inexpensive but unattractive ornament sent along means something to me; perhaps they noticed the little things I did to try and boost their daughter's confidence or maybe it was to say thanks again for spending a few extra afternoons on reading place value charts with their son!
As a parent, I have frequently felt appreciative of the many different ways some teachers have made the school year for my children a more personal and positive experience. I know that some of the teachers over the years really made the effort to get to know them (and the other kids too!) and tailored their class activities according to the interests and abilities they showed.
So it is that perspective I hold onto as I glance over at the row of cards on my bookshelf!
Speaking of books, I brought home a pile of novels we purchased last week in the Book Fair! I have plans to read quite a few in order to be able to "put the right book in the right hands at the right time. Among them : Go Big or Go Home by Will Hobbs, Listen and Wishworks, Inc., both highly recommended books by Stephanie S. Tolan and Spaceheadz by the irrepressible Jon Scieszka with Fransesco Sedita. That one looks quite engaging and it has a website that is equally appealing, especially for some of the boys, I'd say!
My other summer reading will consist of journal articles, reading articles and blog posts as I continue my graduate work! Curriculum studies, action research monographs, blogs about blogging and books about blogging...all on a summer's day! My bookbag runneth over! Or should I say my bookmarked sites are!
It is very important that teachers should closely observe children during play periods not only for assessment purposes, as stated earlier, but also to facilitate appropriate social interactions and motor behaviors. It is important that children be the decision-makers during play, choosing what and where to play, choosing roles for each player, and choosing how play will proceed.