Adding various audiovisual clips was something many undertook to enhance their piece.
Quite a few were able to use hyperlinks to connect other useful and interesting sites to their posts.
All of them provided feedback to each other and responded to the comments received, carrying on a enthusiastic conversation with other readers in other parts of the world. In addition to their individual blogs, the kids collaborated on posts about topics of mutual interest (or just to share the 'work'!)
As the year went on and we became more comfortable with how and what to do, we had a discussion about how blogging fit in our 'photo album' approach to assessment:
~Not everything they do has to go in the album
~They have some say in choosing items to be considered for the album
~Some blurry 'shots' can be removed from the album
~Over time growth should be evident
~Sometimes pictures get taken that you don't necessarily want to be 'in' but you try to give your best 'smile'!]
By the end of the first term (September to November here) my kids are used to thinking about assessment in three ways: